Saturday, April 27, 2013

Off we go!

Our day started out with coffee and warm caramel rolls. The Legion Commander, Wayne Gschwend  welcomed everyone and explained that over the last 4 years over 2500 quilts have been made by this group of women , with the support of many Otter Tail county businesses and individuals,  and that after this trip they will all have been presented to deserving soldiers.  He then presented Pastor Phil                  who shared the following-
There are two long journeys that will intersect this week.  One is a journey that began in homes across this country as young people grew up caring deeply for this country and for the way of life they received from their parents and communities and nation.  They joined our armed services and trained and traveled to embattled places across this wide world.  They served bravely and paid a heavy price, for they were injured and returned home needing healing, in body and in spirit. 
And another holy journey began in Otter Tail County, in homes and meeting places, where you worked alone and together to fashion these quilts, piece by piece, stitch by stitch.  And today you will take your journey on the road, across the Heartland to Fort Know and Fort Campbell, Kentucky.  An expedition of love and healing, with 37 quilters and 950 quilts.

And this week, those two life-lines intersect.  These quilts of valor, and you quilters too, will reach out and touch those men and women of courage.  You will deliver and place your labors of love into the scarred hands and around the bent shoulders of wounded veterans.  Now we know that these quilts will delight the eyes of those veterans, but even more they will calm the hearts of those who have suffered hurt on our behalf.
Sisters and brothers, today we seek God’s blessings as we dedicate these quilts to the glory of God, and the good of God’s people in need.
Let us pray:  Blessed are You , O Lord our God, King of the Universe.  Your gifts are many, and in wisdom you have made all things.  Be with us now and bless us that these quilts of valor, these works of our many hands, may enfold and embrace those who have paid such a high price.  May these quilts join together with reunited families and health professionals, and most of all with your healing touch, to heal those who have been broken.  Amen
Therefore, with thanksgiving to God, with deep gratitude to the sacrifice these veterans have made, with deep sympathy for the injuries that they have suffered, and with all the love in our hearts and hands, we commission these quilts of valor to the glory of God and to the healing of our veterans.

We were escorted into Wisconsin by Patriot Guard riders. 
Our day was spent catching up with old friends from past trips and making new ones.  We played several games of Bingo to help pass the time. 
Once again just wearing our shirts has made it possible to tell others about QOV.  While eating tonight one of the gals was questioned on what her shirt was all about.  She explained about our mission.  He stood and shook her hand giving his thanks and saying that he had an uncle that had been at Fort Campbell.  He was very touched that such a wonderful thing was happening. 
Here are some pictures to give you an insight of our day.  Thanks for your thought and payers.

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