Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Oh my gosh, What a day

Our trip this morning  was a bit noisy for stating out so early.  The adrenalin was flowing.  We picked up Patriot riders by Beaver Dam, and made good time to Ft Knox.  With the time change we arrived “early time” at 10:00.  We were met at the gate and led into the base to an open area in-between Alpha and Bravo company quarters.  The soldiers unloaded the quilts for us and we took lots of pictures!  We set up an area to present the quilts  on picnic tables in a shelter. (ps-  the weather is beautiful!!!)   The stories are endless.  A couple of things that stand out is the fact that the soldiers asked us “How much do the quilts cost?”  We informed them that they had already paid for them!!  They were humble about the sacrifices that they make everyday, and the challenges that some of them have ahead to recover from injuries.

When talking about the War several Soldiers said they were anxious to get healed up so they could get “ back over there”.  These men and women are our Soldiers,  how proud we should be of them! When asked about their injuries there comment was “It is what it is” 

We are on the bus after being fed at the American Legion in Elizabethtown, KY.  We have met more generous, giving people.  I will try to blog again when we get back.  Know that we handed out approximately 400 quilts today and that we left the remaining to be handed out by the Chaplin.  I keep thinking of more things to tell you but I am going to wait.  (The roads are like MN, a little bumpy!) 

In case I am not able to blog latter the Chaplin asked that we remember that tomorrow is National Day of Prayer and would we all please Pray for our county it’s leaders and it’s Soldiers.  He also said that he wanted people to know that the Army believes in prayer and that the Soldiers are not afraid to talk to God.   They know were their strength comes from.  Please remember them in Prayer tomorrow.

We send our LOVE to all that helped us to be able to be here and to all of the quilters that aren’t here. 


  1. You have to know that you have inspired many, many people. Keep up the good work and have a wonderful day taking in all of the beautiful quilts at the quilt museum, etc etc You "super star" sure deserve it!!!

  2. That's got to be such a "high", talking with the soldiers and also giving quilts. It sounds as tho they were very appreciative. I cannot wait to hear more so try not to forget a single detail! You were front page of Fergus paper tonight.

  3. sounds like a great day...can't wait to hear the stories
